The uses of different elements in access 2010 windows
The uses of different elements in access 2010 windows
Databases in Access 2010 are composed of four objects: tables, queries, forms, and reports. Together, these objects allow you to enter, store, analyze, and compile your data however you want.
You should know by now that a databaseis a collection of data structured into aseries of linked lists.
All data is saved intables in Access, hence tables are at thecenter of any database.
Tables are divided into vertical columnsand horizontal rows, as you may already know.
Rows and columns are referred to asrecords and fields in Access.
A field ismore than simply a column; it’s atechnique of categorizing data based onits nature.
Within a field, every item ofdata is of the same type.
Every entry in afield named First Name, for example, is aname, and every item in a field namedStreet Address is an address.
Similarly, a record is more than just a row;it’s a data unit.
Every cell in a row is aportion of the record for that row.
Take note of how each record contains many fields.
Despite the fact that eachrecord’s information is grouped intofields, it belongs alongside the rest of therecord’s data.
Do you notice the numberon the left side of each row?
This is theunique identifier for each record.
The IDnumber for a record refers to each andevery item of data in that row.
Tables are useful for keeping informationthat is closely related.
Assume you own abakery and have a database with a tableincluding your customers’ names andcontact information, such as phonenumbers, home addresses, and emailaddresses.
You’d include all of thesepieces of information in the same tablebecause they’re all about your clients. Each client would be represented by anown record, with each type of clientinformation saved in its own field.
You’djust create a new field within the sametable if you wanted to add any extrainformation, such as a customer’sbirthday.
Forms, queries, and reports
Tables contain all of your data, but theother three objects — forms, queries, andreports — allow you to interact with it.
Each of these objects interacts with thedata in the tables of your database.
Records are entered, modified, and viewed using forms.
Many times, you’veprobably had to fill out paperwork, suchas when visiting a doctor’s office, applyingfor a job, or registering for school.
Formsare commonly used because they are asimple tool to help individuals intoappropriately inputting data.
When you fill up a form with Access, the data goes precisely where you put it.
Forms make it easy to enter data.
Working with large tables can be complex,and when you have connected tables, youmay need to put data into more than oneat a time.
Forms, on the other hand, allowyou to enter data into numerous tables atonce, all from one location. Database designers can even place limitson particular form components toguarantee that all required data isentered correctly. Overall, forms aid inthe consistency and organization of data,which is critical for a reliable andpowerful database.
Queries are a means of finding andassembling information from one ormore tables.
A query is similar to posing athorough question to your database.
When you create a query in Access, you’respecifying particular search conditions tofind the data you’re looking for.
Simple searches within a table aresignificantly less powerful than queries.
While a search can help you find thename of one customer at your company,a query might help you find the name andphone number of every customer whohas made a purchase in the last week. A well-designed query can provideinformation that you wouldn’t be able toobtain by just browsing through your tables data.
You can present your data in paper usingreports.
A database report is somethingyou’ve probably seen before, such as acomputer printout of a class schedule ora printed invoice for a purchase.
Reportsare useful because they allow you toshow data from your database in an easy-to-understand format. You can even change the appearance of areport to make it more pleasant to theeye. You can generate a report from anytable or query using Access.
Putting it all together
Even if you have a decent grasp of howeach object might be utilized,understanding how they all operatetogether can be challenging at first. It’shelpful to keep in mind that they’re allworking with the same information.
Aquery, form, or report uses data that isstored in one of your database tables.
You may use forms to both add data totables and see data that has already been entered.
Reports display data from tablesas well as queries that look for andevaluate data inside the same tables.
These connections may appear difficult,yet they operate so effectively andorganically together that we often don’tnotice we’re using related databaseobjects.
Have you ever utilized a library’selectronic card catalog to look for a book?
Most likely, you typed something like thisinto your search engine:
When you searched, you entered yoursearch terms into a form, which thengenerated and conducted a query basedon your request. You were provided a report that drewinformation from the query and linkedtables — in this case, a list of booksmatching your search keywords — afterthe query finished searching thedatabase’s tables for records thatmatched your search.
The links betweenthe objects could be represented asfollows:
Assume that instead of using these tools,you were required to look through amassive table that contained every bookin the library system. The necessary entries would most likelybe scattered across several tables,including one for book titles anddescriptions, one for information onwhich books are checked in or out, andone for each library branch, to mention afew.
To find a book, determine its position,and verify if it’s checked in, you’d have toexplore at least three tables!
It’s simple tosee how tough finding the appropriatebook may become.
You might even make a mistake bymistakenly deleting or modifying a recordif you aren’t careful.
It’s clear to see howdatabase objects make this search a loteasier to handle.
We examined the concept of a relationaldatabase in our Introduction toDatabases class, which is a database thatcan grasp how distinct sets of data relateto one another. Relational databases are extremelybeneficial in situations like the onedescribed above.
What should be astraightforward process — searching for abook and checking if it’s checked in andwhere it’s checked in — becomesenormously complicated and time-consuming without a relational database. Knowing how to use the four Accessobjects can make even the most difficultjobs seem simple.